Welcome to the House of Burgesses, Williamsburg VA

Mar 17, 2020

House of Burgesses was an important institution in the early history of the American colonies, particularly in Virginia. Located in Williamsburg, Virginia, the House of Burgesses played a significant role in shaping the course of American history. Let's delve into the history and significance of this iconic location.

The History of the House of Burgesses

The House of Burgesses was established in 1619 in Williamsburg, VA, and was the first democratically elected legislative body in the American colonies. It served as the governing body for the Virginia colony and was instrumental in representing the interests of the colonists to the British Crown. The House of Burgesses met in the Capitol Building in Williamsburg, which still stands today as a historic landmark.

Significance in American History

The House of Burgesses played a crucial role in laying the foundation for American democracy. It passed laws, levied taxes, and made decisions that affected the daily lives of the colonists. Some of the most prominent figures in American history, such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, served in the House of Burgesses, where they honed their skills as leaders.

Exploring Williamsburg, Virginia

Williamsburg, Virginia, is a treasure trove of American history and heritage. Visitors can explore the Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area, where they can step back in time and experience life as it was during the colonial period. The Governor's Palace and the Magazine, where arms and ammunition were stored, are must-visit attractions in Williamsburg.

House of Burgesses Today

While the House of Burgesses no longer exists as a legislative body, its legacy lives on in the form of modern-day democracies. The Capitol Building in Williamsburg, where the House of Burgesses once convened, is now a popular tourist attraction and a symbol of America's democratic ideals.


The House of Burgesses in Williamsburg, Virginia, holds a special place in American history as a pioneering institution in the development of democratic governance. By understanding the significance of the House of Burgesses, we gain a deeper appreciation for the foundations on which America was built.