Why Should You Clean First Before Sanitizing or Disinfecting?

Jan 15, 2019

When it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy environment, the process of cleaning before disinfecting is crucial. Many people often wonder why cleaning is emphasized as a prerequisite to the disinfection process. In this detailed guide, SEO Studios explores the significance of cleaning before disinfecting and why it plays a vital role in ensuring effective results.

The Importance of Cleaning Prior to Disinfection

Cleaning before sanitizing or disinfecting is essential for several reasons. Firstly, cleaning helps remove dirt, dust, grime, and other visible contaminants from surfaces. By cleaning first, you are preparing the surface for disinfection, allowing the disinfectant to come into direct contact with the target pathogens.

Disinfectants work more effectively on clean surfaces as they can penetrate the microbial cell walls without any barriers. If a surface is dirty or greasy, the disinfectant may not reach its intended target, reducing its effectiveness. Therefore, ensuring that surfaces are clean before applying disinfectants is crucial in achieving the desired level of disinfection.

Effective Cleaning Techniques

For optimal results, it is essential to use proper cleaning techniques before disinfecting. Here are some key steps to follow when cleaning surfaces:

  • Start by removing any visible debris or dirt from the surface.
  • Use an appropriate cleaning solution based on the type of surface you are cleaning.
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the cleaning product to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Scrub the surface thoroughly to remove any stubborn stains or residues.
  • Rinse the surface with water and allow it to dry completely before proceeding with disinfection.

Benefits of Cleaning Before Disinfection

By prioritizing cleaning before disinfection, you can experience a range of benefits, including:

  • Improved efficacy of disinfectants
  • Reduced risk of cross-contamination
  • Enhanced health and safety for occupants
  • Prevention of resistance to disinfectants
  • Overall better cleaning outcomes

Cleaning serves as the foundation for a successful disinfection process, ensuring that harmful pathogens are effectively eliminated from surfaces. Without proper cleaning, the effectiveness of disinfectants may be compromised.


Cleaning before disinfecting is a critical step in maintaining a clean and healthy environment. By prioritizing cleaning as a prelude to disinfection, you can ensure optimal results and create a safer space for occupants. Remember, cleaning sets the stage for effective disinfection, so always make it a priority in your cleaning routine.