Southwest Virginia Churches Disaffiliate from United Methodist Church

Jun 27, 2020

United Methodist Church Split Virginia: The recent disaffiliation of several churches in Southwest Virginia from the United Methodist Church has generated significant interest and debate within the religious community. Various factors have contributed to this decision, most notably LGBTQ ministers and same-sex marriage.

Reasons for Disaffiliation from United Methodist Church

The reasons for disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church vary among each congregation, but a common thread is the disagreement over the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals in church leadership positions. This contentious issue has caused a rift within the denomination, leading some churches to seek independence.

List of Virginia Churches Leaving UMC

Several churches in Southwest Virginia have made the decision to leave the United Methodist Church in response to the ongoing debate over LGBTQ rights. Among the congregations that have disaffiliated are [Insert Church Names], each citing different reasons for their departure.

Why Are Churches Disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church?

The decision to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church is a complex one that involves theological belief, moral convictions, and a desire for greater autonomy in decision-making. For many churches, the issue of LGBTQ inclusion has become a defining factor in their departure.

Why Are Methodist Churches Disaffiliating from UMC?

Methodist churches are disaffiliating from the United Methodist Church for a variety of reasons, including doctrinal disagreements, shifts in beliefs, and a desire to maintain a traditional stance on issues related to marriage and human sexuality. The decision to leave the denomination is often a painful and divisive one for congregations.


In conclusion, the disaffiliation of Southwest Virginia churches from the United Methodist Church reflects the deep divisions within the denomination over fundamental theological issues. As these churches embark on a new chapter of independence, the impact of their departure on the broader Methodist community remains to be seen.